The Untitled Gond-Pardhan painting is an acrylic on paper work, made by artist Sukhnandi Vyam (b. 1983).
This painting illustrates a passage from a mythology in the Gond community about Kammalheero, the queen consort of the king of Heergadhi. Kammalheero, disguised as a cow, travels to the enemy realm in search of her husband’s body after learning of his death. The anthropomorphic figure with the three heads are portrayed to resemble the movements of a worried queen surveying the area.
Vyam finds inspiration in his community’s folklore, songs, and traditions like many other Gond artists. His usage of the eye in his works is one element that distinguishes his work from the others.
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Sukhnandi VyamMedium
Acrylic on paperDimensions
H: 38 cm x W: 28 cmAccession No.
2016.32.8Genre: Indigenous & Tribal Art