Protege of one of the Subcontinent’s most influential architects, Geoffrey Bawa, and an award-winning practitioner himself, Channa Daswatte gave us an eagle’s eye view of the impact Bawa has had on the landscape of modern Sri Lanka. In a talk titled, ‘A Life in Modern Design – The Legacy of Geoffrey Bawa’, he spoke of the passionate love for nature and natural material that marks this legacy.
Channa Daswatte has a Masters in Architecture from the University of London and runs his award-winning practice from Sri Lanka where he is a partner at MICD Associates. His portfolio includes residences, educational institutions and hotels as well as conservation projects in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Malaysia, Thailand and Uganda. Daswatte has worked closely with the iconic Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa and today serves as a trustee for the Lunuganga Trust as well as the Geoffrey Bawa Trust.