Watch: The Lucknow Affair

Lucknow was the first stop on Sarmaya’s Art of Travel, a curated travel experience for an intimate group of guests who appreciate art, history and culture. In February 2018, we travelled to the heart of Awadh and were utterly charmed by Lucknawis and their living traditions.


Journalist and author of Love and Life in Lucknow: An Imaginary Biography of a City’, Mehru Jaffer kept us amused and enthralled during this morning walk around the Bara Imambara complex. She gave us a personalised, opinionated and intelligent tour of the landmark and left us with a real sense of the man who built it.


During our trip to Lucknow, we were thrilled to have author, journalist and dyed-in-the-wool Lucknawi, Mehru Jaffer lead us on two heritage walks. One of them was to The Residency, which was the centre of the action during the Siege of Lucknow in 1857. This video captures a few snippets from our rambling walk around this ruined landmark.