This Bhil painting titled Ploughing (Hal Chalana), is an acrylic on canvas work, made by artist Subhash Amliyar (b.1985)
For the Bhil tribe of Madhya Pradesh, art is a device for marking events, preserving memories and capturing the community’s deep connection with nature. In Subhash Amliyar’s composition, a figure reminiscent of Lord Ganesha is seen tilling a field aswirl with a diversity of life and colour. That and the distinctive dots bring a touch of the surreal to an otherwise unremarkable scene.
Ploughing (Hal Chalana)Period
Subhash AmliyarMedium
Acrylic on canvasDimensions
H: 73 cm x W: 84 cmAccession No.
2020.10.3Genre: Indigenous & Tribal Art