‘Dakhni: A language hiding in plain sight’ by Yunus Lasania

Holy waters

Made in India: Cultural innovations that rocked the world

Big ideas in music, food and architecture that were born in India

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Man & material: The lasting genius of Jangarh Singh Shyam

From the yellow clay of his village to the rOtring pen discovered during a trip abroad, Jangarh approached each medium with curiosity and courage

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‘Ornamenting the Walls of an Imperial Capital: Fathpur Sikri and its surface decorations’ by Nadeem Rezavi

‘Mansur: A novel in twenty-four miniatures’ by Vikramajit Ram

Object story: A coin die with a message from 1857

Understanding the politics of 19th-century Mewar through a rare coin die

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Talking Heads: When coins began to talk

Over 2,000 years ago, a new technique of minting coins was introduced to India. We still use it today, both to study history and write it

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World Photography Day 2023

‘Dakhni: A language hiding in plain sight’ by Yunus Lasania

‘Qutb Shahi Necropolis: Conservation and Landscape Restoration’ by Ratish Nanda

Quiz: History of Photography

Take our quiz to test your knowledge and maybe discover a new favourite photo factoid!

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History meets AI – In conversation with Arpan Mukherjee

“I use the latest cutting-edge AI technology as well as 19th-century techniques to create images unique to my aesthetic and understanding of the world”

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Special issue – Commemorative coins of India

Animal coindom: The symbolism of numismatic flora and fauna

Sanctuary Nature Foundation

Object story: Why Indian soldiers fought a war in Kabul

Between November 1878 and October 1880, the British army in India fought a series of battles for geo-political control over Afghanistan. One photographer followed along

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What is disruptive tech?

From minting money to printing books, and from taking photographs to making art, technology has dictated the evolution of many a human endeavour

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