The Remains of War

A Capital for African Art

Twenty years of Tao

The Great Churn: Indian Military History After the Fall of Aurangzeb

Author and historian Dr Anirudh Deshpande talks to us about a defining period from 1707 to 1858 that saw seismic shifts in the power balance of the Subcontinent

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Who Owns Africa’s Art?

Of Knights and Chivalry

A Museum of Women’s History

Anju Dodiya Returns to Chemould

Remembering Mughal Begums

Wendell Rodricks’ Legacy

Flowers for Spring

Vasantam. Basant. Spring. A time to put away the winter greys and take a deep breath before the onslaught of summer. About now, the earth itself seems to get in the spirit of things by spreading a crazy quilt of colours over the landscape. Flowers don’t care where they bloom, whether in a perfumed garden… Read more »

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Honeyed Vines – Floral Motifs in Madhubani Art

The flowers of Bihar are both a symbol and an essential ingredient in traditional Mithila or Madhubani paintings

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Anatomy Of A Flower – Exquisite 19th-Century Botanicals by Indian Artists

A rare book from our collection, ‘Indian Botany’ by Dr Robert Wight combines scientific survey with outstanding illustrations by artists we will never know. Our interview with Dr Henry Noltie throws new light on them

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Where the Wildflowers Bloom: The Art Of Hima Hariharan

Hima Hariharan’s flower-stained watercolour paintings resemble childhood treasures gathered from a forest floor and pressed lovingly between the pages of a fat book

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Saturday Art Class – Gond Workshop

We’re stronger together! That was the theme of this Gond art workshop, conducted at a BMC school in Mumbai

Dancing Queens

When Sarmaya got the chance to host an event with two of the most celebrated figures in Indian dance, we knew we had to push the envelope. We partnered with the dance company beej to bring Mallika Sarabhai and Anita Ratnam to Mumbai and engage them in a conversation about the transformative power of dance.… Read more »