Now reading: The transition of the British from trader to ruler and other history lessons

Saturday Art Class – Tholu Bommalaata Workshop

How can Tholu Bommalaata puppets be used to talk about gender equality? These young learners can tell us.

Help for COVID-19

Few communities have been spared the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent nation-wide lockdown. Yet, in these uncertain times, some citizens suffer from a threat more urgent even than contracting the coronavirus. Hunger, homelessness and unemployment have unsettled a great mass of India’s daily wage workers and laborers from unorganised sectors. Construction workers,… Read more »

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End of an Era

Art during Crisis

Emergency Funds for the Arts

The man behind History Men

Art and Social Distancing

Portraying Pregnancy

Teacher training – Saturday Art Class

Introducing educators to the wonderful world of Tholu Bommalaata and its potential as a storytelling tool

Teacher Training – Saturday Art Class – Gond and Painted Photographs

Gond and Painted Photographs were the focus of Sarmaya’s first teacher training session with Saturday Art Class.