“In June 1943, Bharati ‘Asha’ Sahay, a headstrong Indian teenager living in Japan during the Second World War, decides to join the Rani of Jhansi Regiment after meeting Subhas Chandra Bose. She starts to jot down her thoughts in a diary, and thus begins one of the most significant personal accounts of the Indian freedom movement.” – Tanvi Srivastava for Sarmaya Talks.
Tanvi Srivastava is the translator of The War Diary of Asha-san written by Lt. Bharati ‘Asha’ Sahay Choudhry of the Rani of Jhansi Regiment. She is the author’s granddaughter-in-law. The book has been longlisted for the Atta Galatta Bangalore Literature Festival Book Prize 2022. Tanvi also writes fiction and has been published in journals like Asymptote, Kitaab, and Gulmohar Quarterly. This event took place on 17th November, 2023, at Durbar Hall, The Asiatic Society of Mumbai.