This Untitled work is part of a series showcasing Horizon lines by artist Aditi Singh (b. 1976), made using Ink on Kozo Paper in 2016.
The work is the artist’s interpretation of the horizon line of Delhi and is a product of ‘meditative walking’ by the artist. For Singh, walking in different places worldwide brought her to collecting and taking inspiration from the natural world.
Singh uses paper with varying degrees of absorption and observes the ink’s reaction to it. With a highly absorbent paper-like Kozo, one can see the marks made by the ink leaving the viewer in a meditative state.
Untitled (Horizon Line, New Delhi)Period
Aditi SinghMedium
Ink on Kozo PaperDimensions
H: 28 cm x W: 25.5 cmAccession No.
2021.6.2Genre: Modern & Contemporary Art